PSYCHODRAMA TRAINING WORKSHOPSThe Workshops and OutcomesThe purpose of these workshops is to learn to apply psychodrama sociodrama, role training, sociometry and group work to life and work.
Hours are accredited by the Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association, Inc., ANZPA, a member of PACFA. They count towards practitioner certification.
You may expect to gain more satisfaction and enjoyment in your life and relationships and from your work as you further apply this intriguing and effective method to human individual, group and social development.
The methodology is experiential. The leader will direct personal work and demonstrate and teach in working with participants at their own level and interests. Advanced trainees may direct under supervision for some sessions.
These workshops are suitable for beginners through to advanced trainees. Participants new to
Psychodrama Australia are required to have an interview to ensure the workshop suits their goals.
Further information about psychodrama and training in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand may be found through links on the web sites
Psychodrama Australia WEEKEND GROUPS FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTLonger more intensive sessions provide a setting where individuals are able to warm up to deeper work in a supportive group.
These are organised from time to time/ To be notified email Trainer: Rob Brodie is a Psychodramatist, Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) and past Secretary of the Board of Examiners of AANZPA.
Now in full-time private practice, he has been a counsellor, groupworker, psychotherapist, educator, supervisor and trainer since 1973.
Client organisations include pre-school to tertiary educational institutions, mental health, community agencies and financial consultants.
He has a particular interests in couples work, dream work, developing relationships so parents and children flourish and in sound governance and leadership.