Psychodrama for Life Workshops
Director Rob Brodie
Weekly series and a Saturday.
Being a participant, you will have fun and work hard as you enact scenes from life and imagination with assistance from the director. People meet and connect naturally in greater depth by assisting in each others dramas and by participating in the life of the group.
The content of the workshops are based on the concerns of participants, the leader's assessments and matters that arise in the course of the groups.
Improvisational action under the guidance of the leader is involving and teaches new life skills. Sometimes called “the play of the soul,” it assists in becoming integrated within yourself.
Relationships and your work may change and your spontaneity increase as you better recognise what is most important to you and perceive others more clearly.
Relationships between participants in the group develop and individual learning is integrated into everyday life.
You undertake to participate for one term.
New applicants have an interview to determine that the groups are suitable.