In online, telephone and face to face sessions, people are assured of regular attention and practical guidance as they come to know and appreciate themselves more deeply and express themselves and their aspirations more fully and constructively in their relationships and work.

Psychotherapy and counselling are terms used for much the same work.
Work may be purely verbal or involve various activities as appropriate.
Some who call themselves counsellors tend more towards education and coaching as they work with clients.
Psychotherapists may tend to deal more with healing and recovery from earlier traumas or difficulties arising from earlier life situations.
Both emphases have an important place in assisting development of people's abilities to live more fully and effectively and constructively with others.

Many studies have shown that the most important factor for effective work is the ability and personality of the therapist or counsellor, rather than the particular method applied by them.

Clients have found that:
  • Conscious control in their lives and relationships is built.
  • Insights are gained.
  • Spontaneity increases.
  • They can handle and express feelings to the benefit of all
  • Depression can be lightened.
  • Grief moved on.
  • Empowerment and assertiveness increase.
  • More options for effective communication are learnt .
  • Old wounds are often healed.
  • A greater joy in life and people can be discovered.

The PACFA web page has some definitions of counselling and psychotherapy. Click here to be taken to the page.