This page is a work in progress. My intention is to give a somewhat more personal full picture of experience and life.
One of the things that is most important to me is that the development and learning from personal work and training be applied broadly in life.
So in relationship with my wife, Narelle McKenzie, and now grownup son, and my original family, and friends I seek to apply the things I've learned of interpersonal communication, role reversal with others, fun and respect.
And of course also with my colleagues who share a vision of manifesting the best in humanity.
The value of my training came out quite clearly when I worked for several years on a sessional basis running a weekly psychodrama group at a psychiatric hospital for adolescents. Things moved so fast I had to rely on the actual spontaneous response as I had without much consideration or analysis before I acted.
Another field of work that was very dear to me and informed much of my later work was at a residential clinic for the families of new babies. It was run on family therapy principles from the top management to the youngest client. I conducted an educational group orienting the new participants in the week-long programme on their first night and learned the value of teaching people to be able to deal constructively with themselves and their children. I also did considerable couple counselling and individual psychotherapy reworking some of the old difficulties that arise in this brand-new situation. To have the opportunity to make constructive intervention at a time which would bear fruit for many years was very rewarding work.
More recently I have taught group work to post graduate and undergraduate students in helping professions
I was born and educated in Adelaide where I worked for many years before moving to Melbourne in 2010 with Narelle.
More to come...